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Search Engine Optimisation

How To Make Your Website SEO-Friendly: 9 Effective Ways to Rank Higher on Search Engines

Tuesday, April 26, 2022
7 min
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Google, Bing, Yahoo and all other major search engines have one thing in common: they all love websites that are user-friendly and user optimized. Instead of having to wade through a bunch of dense text and complicated diagrams, search engine crawlers want to know exactly what your website is about. In other words, they like websites that are SEO-friendly. If you want your website to stand out from the crowd of billions of other websites out there and drive more visitors to your site (as opposed to sending them screaming away), you’ll need to make your website as SEO-friendly as possible. In this blog post, we’ll show you how that’s done by sharing 9effective ways you can optimize your website for search engines.


1.     Make Your Website Easy To Navigate

First and foremost, Google search crawlers are primarily interested in user experience and ease of navigation. If your website is so clunky and difficult to navigate that users can’t find their way around it, your site will likely end up at the bottom of the search engine results pages (SERPs).

You can optimize your website’s user experience in several ways. For example, use clear and consistent navigation that’s easy to understand and follow. Avoid the use of flash or other plug-ins that may cause problems with certain browsers. Take the time to optimize your website’s design and make sure that it’s visually pleasing to the eye. Your website should also be responsive and look great on all devices, from desktop computers to mobile phones and iPads.


2.     Use Proper Keywords

A vital part of optimizing your website for search engine crawlers is using the right keywords in your content. If you want your website to rank on the first page of SERPs, you must choose a select few words that your audience is most likely to search. You can find these by doing keyword research, which is the process of finding and researching keywords that your potential customers are using to search for products or services.

Ideally, your chosen keywords should be 2-3words long and should include a mix of long-tail keywords and short keywords. Long-tail keywords are 2-3+ words, while short keywords are only 1 word in length. For example, if you’re running a gardening business, you might want to use keywords like “flower delivery London,” “gardening tools for sale,” and“ornamental shrubs for sale.”


3.     Use High-Quality Images

Images are one of the fastest-growing types of content on the Internet today. This is because Google loves images and often prefers them over words. If you’re looking for one of the easiest ways to make your website more SEO-friendly, using images is a great place to start. Bear in mind that images need to be both relevant and high quality. If you use low-quality or irrelevant images on your website, you’ll only hurt your chances of ranking in the SERPs.

Be sure to use authentic images that are relevant to the content on your pages. If you’re hosting these images on your own website, make sure they’re large enough so that they don’t look pixelated or blurry.


4.     Write Quality Content

Another vital aspect of optimizing your website for search engine crawlers is writing quality content that’s both unique and informative. If you want Google to recognize your site as an authority in your niche, you’ll need to write more than just a few lines of basic text on your homepage. You need to write detailed and comprehensive content that covers every aspect of your chosen topic. By optimizing your content for search engines, you’re creating something that’s both useful and beneficial for your readers. That’s because comprehensive content tends to rank higher in the SERPs, receiving more organic traffic as a result. The more quality content you publish, the more Google loves you.


5.     Have A Solid Structure

You can improve your chances of ranking higher in the SERPs if you structure your content properly. This means dividing your content into headers and sub-headers, as well as using paragraphs and bullet points. You don’t have to follow any strict rules when structuring your content, but you should be consistent. Your website’s pages should all have the same layout and format.

When it comes to optimizing your website for search engine crawlers, you need to have a solid structure in place that allows both your readers and search engine crawlers to navigate through your site. Certain content types might rank higher on the SERPs than others. For example, blog posts tend to rank higher than pages with a one-off article. So, blogging is a great way to make your website more SEO-friendly.


6.     Have Strong Calls-To-Action

Another way to optimize your website for search engine crawlers is by creating strong calls-to-action (CTAs). A CTA is a message that entices your visitors to take a desired action. This may be to sign up for your newsletter, purchase a product, or click through to another website. You can also use CTAs to increase your site’s conversion rate. You’ll want to include a strong call-to-action on every page of your website – both on your homepage and in the content you publish. Your calls-to-action should be relevant to the content on each page, and they should be clear and concise. Avoid using vague and confusing words and phrases that don’t get your message across.


7.     Don’t Forget About Mobile Users

As more people are using their smartphones to browse the Internet, Google is increasingly focusing on websites that are mobile-friendly. If your website doesn’t have a mobile layout, you risk your ranking plummeting in the SERPs. One of the simplest ways to make sure your website is mobile-friendly is by using responsive web design. This is when you use the same URL on all devices, but the website looks and behaves differently based on the device that it’s being viewed on. This way, your website will look great on both desktop computers and mobile devices.


8.     Fix technical problems

As we’ve already discussed, Google loves to reward websites that are user-friendly and user optimized. A great way to help Google recognize your website as such is to fix technical problems that may be preventing your site from operating properly. This might include fixing broken links, adding alt text to images (if your website uses images), avoiding the use of flash (if possible), and making sure your website loads quickly. If your website has certain issues that are preventing it from running smoothly and efficiently, such as a high bounce rate or low-quality content, Google will notice. A high bounce rate is when most visitors leave your website after viewing only one page. Low-quality content is content that doesn’t make any sense or is unhelpful to your readers.


9.     Make user satisfaction your priority

Another excellent way to optimize your website for search engine crawlers is by making user satisfaction your top priority. The best way to do this is by creating genuine and useful content that’s useful for your readers. This means writing in-depth articles, creating useful guides, and creating compelling visuals for your website.

You can also increase your website’s user satisfaction by responding to comments, engaging with your readers on social media, and by taking care of any issues that may arise. Google loves to reward websites that are friendly towards their users and make their lives easier. So, if you want to rank higher in the SERPs, you need to make your readers happy.



When it comes to optimizing your website for search engine crawlers, you can’t neglect any part of the process. Yes, it’s important to follow these steps, but it’s also important to remember that no two websites are the same. What works for one website may not work for yours, so you need to be creative and innovative. Be willing to experiment and keep track of which SEO techniques work best for your website. By following these steps, you’ll be able to optimize your website for search engine crawlers and increase your website traffic and conversion rates.

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