Storybrand Framework


What is the framework?

The Storybrand Framework is a marketing strategy that is based on the idea that every success story has a hero who faces a problem, meets a guide who provides a plan, and overcomes the problem to achieve success.

In marketing, the customer is the hero, and the company is the guide. The framework emphasizes the importance of clarifying the customer's problem, providing a clear plan to solve it, and positioning the company as the guide who can help the customer achieve success.

The framework includes seven key elements: a character, a problem, a guide, a plan, a call to action, a success story, and a moral. By using the Storybrand Framework, companies can create clear and compelling marketing messages that resonate with their customers and drive results.

The Key elements

1. Character: In the Storybrand Framework, the customer is the hero of the story. The company needs to understand the customer's needs, desires, and pain points to create a compelling message that resonates with them.

2. Problem: Every hero has a problem that needs to be solved. The company needs to identify the customer's problem and show that they understand the customer's pain points.

3. Guide: The hero needs a guide to help them solve their problem. In marketing, the company needs to position itself as the guide who can provide a clear plan to help the customer achieve success.

4. Plan: The guide needs to provide a clear plan to help the hero solve their problem. In marketing, the company needs to show the customer how their product or service can solve the customer's problem.

5. Call to Action: The hero needs to take action to solve their problem. In marketing, the company needs to provide a clear call to action that encourages the customer to take the next step.

6. Success Story: The hero needs to see that the plan works. In marketing, the company needs to provide social proof in the form of success stories, case studies, or testimonials to show that its product or service has helped others achieve success.

7. Moral: Every story has a moral. In marketing, the company needs to show that its product or service is not just a solution to the customer's problem but also aligns with the customer's values and beliefs.

By using the Storybrand Framework, companies can create a clear and compelling message that resonates with their customers and drives results. The framework can be applied to all aspects of marketing, from websites and email campaigns to social media and advertising.

Does the Storybrand framework work?

Yes, the StoryBrand framework has been proven to be effective for many businesses. The framework helps companies clarify their message and create a clear, compelling story that resonates with their target audience.

By focusing on the customer's needs and positioning the company as the solution to their problems, businesses can increase their brand awareness, engage with their customers, and ultimately drive more sales. Many businesses have seen significant improvements in their marketing efforts and bottom line by implementing the StoryBrand framework.

However, it's important to note that success with the framework is not guaranteed and requires careful planning and execution.

Where can I find out more? 

You can find out more about the StoryBrand framework on the official StoryBrand website (, which provides a wealth of resources including books, courses, and workshops. Additionally, there are many podcasts, blogs, and social media channels dedicated to discussing and sharing insights about the StoryBrand framework.

Or you can schedule a call with us today and we can take you through the framework and help you reach your goals.

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